10 Basic Principles of Naturopathy: The Secret to Natural Healing

➤ Introduction

Unlock the Secrets of Natural Healing: The 10 Basic Principles of Naturopathy

Naturopathy is an art of living a healthy life and a science of living healthy. It is a drug-free disease prevention system based on solid principles. The ideas of naturopathy regarding health, disease and medical principles are very original.

Naturopathy is a very ancient system of Indian ideologies. It is an ancient discovery. It is an ancient science. We find its references in Vedas, Upanishads and other ancient texts.

The “theory of alien substances” and the concept of life force and other concepts which provide the basis of naturopathy are already available in ancient texts and point towards this. Many of its uses are widely prevalent in India.

In my previous post, I explained What Naturopathy is, its types and Three Key Functions of Naturopathy and many more. If you missed it, you can check it out here

Here, we will discuss the 10 Basic Principles of Naturopathy that will guide you toward a healthier life lacking toxins and harm. Here we go!

➤ The 10 Basic Principles of Naturopathy

1. All diseases are one, their causes and their treatment are one.

The poet Rabindranath Tagore says, “In India, all people are one, irrespective of their color, appearance or language.” That is, in the same way, natural medicine is also a philosophy in which there is one truth. Just as it appears in different forms.

Just as a piece of gold takes many forms and is displayed in ornaments. It is gold but the names of the ornaments are different. In the same way, in natural medicine, the same foreign matter, poisonous elements present in the human body appear in the name of many diseases. They are known.

According to the above mentioned principles of Indian culture:

  • The human body is one.
  • The whole world is one on one side.
  • The whole universe is one on one side.
  • The whole human being is one on one side.

The power of the being that binds the whole universe in the thread of one rule is one and one. This philosophical principle of unity is the main principle of natural medicine philosophy. In which, except for injuries and environmental conditions, the root cause of all other diseases is the same. And their treatment is also the same. Diseases arise due to accumulation of foreign substances in the body. And their removal from the body is the treatment.

2. Germs are not the cause of disease.

The modern view holds that germs cause disease, but that is not the opinion of natural medicine. According to the 10 Basic Principles of Naturopathy, germs can only survive in a body that has toxic elements. A healthy organism, which is non poisoned, will remove harmful bacteria and viruses.

The contaminated waste collected in the body is considered to be the only cause of disease. There is no doubt about this. Actually, germs are not the cause of disease. However, modern allopathic doctors believe that germs are the cause of disease.

There is a natural law. The atoms of all the substances in the universe are in motion. The atoms of the objects which have the same speed have mutual attraction. And the atoms with opposite speed run away from others. Therefore, according to this principle, the existence of germs of disease is possible only in those bodies in which the foreign matter which is the cause of disease is already present. Or which are diseased or which have the ability to accept disease.

But the bodies in which nutrients opposite to the germs are present, i.e., those which are completely free from foreign matter and are healthy in the true sense, it is impossible for them to be attacked by germs as per the above mentioned natural laws.

All the germs of the world together cannot cause disease in a pure body. But in the body where there is feces that can nourish germs, germs will definitely be produced. They will grow and develop. In this way we see that germs are not the cause of disease, rather the disease is caused by germs.

3. Acute disease is not an enemy but a friend.

A famous naturopath says, “You give me fever, I give you health.” Foreign matter is always produced in the body. Foreign matter comes out of our body daily through the anus, hair follicles, urinary tract, feces, and sweat. If for any reason this foreign matter is not able to come out, or the foreign matter is not able to find a way to come out, then that person develops a disease in his body. This disease tries to get the foreign element out. This condition is called disease.

After understanding this fact, it becomes clear how important it is for a human being to have a disease as per need. In other words, Diseases are our friends. They come to give us health, not to take it away.

For example, washing out the stool in the stomach. When a person starts vomiting or has diarrhea, then the stomach will be washed out through this medium. What we call a disease is actually a treatment. Lack of health is called disease. Try to build health, you will not find disease anywhere.

“The pleasure of sleeping after getting tired, the joy of eating food when hungry, peace in God’s refuge in adversity, health is achieved by getting rid of disease.”

When a disease comes, it should not be suppressed. But when the disease goes away, the patient “feels rejuvenated, feels fresh.”

4. Nature itself is medicine

According to the 10 Basic Principles of Naturopathy, Life is governed by a strange, amazing and all powerful power. It remains behind the life of every person and takes care of his birth, death, health, disease etc. This is called divine power or nature. The body’s pain is amazing.

Lord Krishna has said in the Gita, “अहं वैश्वानरों भूत्वा प्राणिनां देहमाश्रित, प्राणापान समायुवतः पचाम्यन्नं चतुर्विधम्।.” God gave us food and clothes along with birth and thought to cure our diseases through his own internal pain.

For example:
1) When we drink water, while drinking water, the water goes into the windpipe, then who cures it by causing cough?
2) When we get a wound, who heals that wound on its own?
3) When a bone breaks, who joins it?

All these things happen by nature. Therefore, it should always be remembered that the patient gets relief from the disease on his own. That is, the patient’s body cures his disease on its own.

5. There is no need for special diagnosis of the disease.

There is no special need for diagnosis of disease. In the naturopathy system, there is no treatment of disease. Rather, there is treatment of the patient.

In such a situation, the question of diagnosis of disease does not arise. If the body had transparent skin, it would have been so easy to diagnose the disease. In the struggle for diagnosis, man has invented many instruments.

Still, these instruments have been incapable of finding out the deep secrets of nature and God. Hence, how can we expect complete diagnosis of disease from them? Even instruments are unable to diagnose 90 percent of the time, they can diagnose only 10 percent of the time.

Medicines are unable to cure. Wrong diagnosis, wrong treatment, in such a situation, human society is harmed so much. By this very torture, he takes such a big responsibility on his head. Certainly, the result is very terrible. Which the patients have to suffer. Doctors try for ages to gain knowledge of diagnosis by dissecting dead bodies.

But naturopathy gets its work done in a few minutes by observing the processes happening in the living body. In which part of the body, in what form and in what quantity, foreign matter is present. This can be known from their daily routine.

6. Treatment is not of the disease but of the entire body of the patient

In other systems of treatment, emphasis is given on treatment of the disease of the patient. But in the Naturopathy system, the entire body of the patient is treated and made new. In which the signs of the disease disappear automatically.

The real disease is the poison of foreign matter collected inside the body. Which tries to get out through a particular disease when it gets time.

For headache, the defect of the ancient system or the blood defect of the entire body should be treated so that the headache goes away automatically. In Naturopathy, every disease can be cured. But not every patient.

In a person:
A. What is the amount of stool?
B. Is there life force to cure the disease or not?
C. Has he not lost patience?
D. Were no fatal medicines given before starting the treatment?
E. Was no major operation done?
F. Do you want to believe in this naturopathy or not?

All these things are known. His disease is cured. Due to which new consciousness is infused in that person. New life is obtained.

7. Patients suffering from chronic diseases may take time to recover.

Dr. Lindhar criticising the naturopathy system, Patients disappointed with Dr. Lindhar take refuge in naturopathy. At that time, they are not only suffering from the disease, their body does not only have the effect of the disease and poison, but also the poison of the medicines.

Naturopathy not only has to treat the actual disease but also has to work to remove the poison of the medicines from the body. Which takes months to years. In this system, the disease is not cured but the person gets a new life. It also has to become healthy, strong and powerful as before.

It is said that “Hurry is the devil’s work“. Cutting a tree takes minutes, growing it takes years. Destruction is possible quickly but growth is impossible. Both the development and destruction of the disease happen gradually.

When the signs of the disease appear, it should not be assumed that the disease arose at that time. It is also not correct to believe that the disease is cured when the signs of the disease disappear. It also takes time for the disease to be completely cured. New life and longevity are attained only when the seeds of the disease are destroyed.

8. Suppressed diseases come to the fore through naturopathy

Among the unique things in the 10 Basic Principles of Naturopathy is that they actually cause symptoms of disease to reappear before healing can be accomplished.

Where diseases emerge with medicine, get suppressed, diseases emerge with naturopathy. Diseases get suppressed. They emerge and go away forever. That is, they leave the body of the patient after showing their glory for a short time. The eruptions last from 2-4 days to at least a week.

Hippocrates, who researched the natural law of the disease of eruption, or the famous naturopath Dr. Wilson, are said to be complementary to it.

Two forces work in the operation of the universe. One is constructive and the other is destructive. Examples of the eruption are found not only in diseases but everywhere in the world.

A. Arrival of rain: Before the rains come, there is heat, strong winds blow. Storms come. Lightning flashes and later it rains.
B. Winter season: After the winters are over, the leaves of the trees fall due to autumn. By doing this, nature presents a disease alleviation crisis in it. After that, we get to see more greenery and blooming.
C. Excretion of excreta: The slight discomfort felt before passing excreta, along with the urge to defecate, is nothing but the bulging process of nature. After defecation, the condition becomes lighter than before.
D. Menstruation: The monthly menstruation of women, labour pain, the unbearable pain of a ripe boil and the pain of removing a pricking thorn, etc. are all examples of natural bulging process.
E. Acute diseases: All acute diseases like cholera, diarrhoea, fever, etc., hasten the expulsion of excreta from our excreta-filled body with great speed by the life force of the body. We can call it the acute form of the disease or acute subsiding crisis.

In this way, we can see how beneficial, auspicious and necessary it is for the disease to bulge during the treatment period. Instead of getting frightened and scared, one should be happy in this. It is necessary that it is not wise to call the bulge early or to make it severe. Taking hasty action during this period can be harmful. It is not wise to give shape to it. In this period, acting in haste can be harmful.

9. Treatment of Mind, Body and Soul is done simultaneously

The name of the health harmony of Mind, Body and Soul is complete health. In nature treatment, equal attention is paid to the improvement of all three health. This is the biggest feature of the natural treatment system.

Mental health is considered more important and crucial than physical health. Achieves through meditation, relaxation, and emotional balance.
Spiritual health or self-confidence is considered more important than mental health. Achieves through prayer, positive thinking, and connection with nature.
Physical health does not only mean freedom from disease but also closeness with mind and soul. Achieves through proper diet, exercise, and detoxification.

Natural lifestyle, food habits, bring integrity in life and elevate a person. By controlling the mind, one can move towards spirituality. For the natural treatment of sick body, impure mind, weak soul, divine prayer and chanting of रामनाम is the only panacea.

10. There is no question of giving stimulant medicines in naturopathy.

The principle of the drug treatment system is that disease is an external thing, which attacks the body. Therefore, it should be fought using the most powerful means. And it should be defeated. That is why doctors and vaidyas try to deal with diseases by using poisonous medicines like mercury, opium etc.

And do not pay any attention to the fact that poison is poison after all. Whether its quantity is less or more. It is fatal for life in every condition. Due to which the disease instead of reducing, becomes more serious day by day. That is why in Naturopathy, the use of stimulant drugs is not only considered unnecessary but also harmful.

➤ Conclusion

Now this was about the 10 Basic Principles of Naturopathy and their basis for natural holistic healing. Naturopathy will treat the cause of disease by cleaning the body, mind, and soul, instead of suppressing symptoms.

Naturopathic living assures you of a lifetime of health coupled with sustained high energy levels and an entirely disease-free life. Get on board with these today, and let nature guide you to better health.

Naturopathy’s 10 fundamental principles advocate natural healing, detoxification, and holistic well-being. On the other hand, conventional medicine merely suppresses symptoms; Naturopathy respects the healing power of nature.

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