What is Naturopathy? : The Science of Healing Without Medicines


Have you ever wondered? That we can get well without medicine and pills? The way to get well naturally is through Naturopathy.

Today, people are looking for safe, long-term solutions to their health. Naturopathy is becoming more and more popular if they want to avoid its side effects and get to the root cause of their problems.

An past method of healing which has avoided drugs and utilized the body’s natural healing processes. Knowing it’s sources from Indian philosophy and centuries of practice, Naturopathy assigns completely different meanings to concepts like health, disease, and treatment.

What is Naturopathy

What is Naturopathy?

God has created Nature. He has given birth to the living world. He has created intelligent beings like humans. Humans have to live in harmony with this nature. That is, the more a human being tries to stay close to nature and God, the healthier and happier and more peaceful he will be.

This is the secret of the ART OF LIVING.

Meaning of Naturopathy: A Deeper Look

Naturopathy is an art of living a healthy life and a science of living healthy. It is a drug-free disease prevention system based on solid principles. The ideas of naturopathy regarding health, disease and medical principles are very original. Naturopathy is a very ancient system of Indian ideologies. It is an ancient discovery. It is an ancient science. We find its references in Vedas, Upanishads and other ancient texts.

By living near God and in the lap of nature, man does not have any disease, grief, sorrow, pain or unrest even for a moment. Because nature itself is made up of five elements. 

Mahatattva is also included in it. 

Nature is created from the sixth element. Our human body is also a small universe. It is also made up of five elements. The sixth element Mahatattva also resides in it.

Types Of Naturopathy

Naturopathy is distributed into six types, incorporating the Panchtatva (Five elements) of Sky (आकाश), Air (वायु), Fire (अग्नि), Water (जल), and Earth (पृथ्वी), along with the energy known as Ramnam (रामनाम). These elements play a essential part in maintaining the body’s natural balance and promoting healing. 

In our detailed guide on the 5 Elements Of Universe, we explore their significance and impact on well-being.

What is Naturopathy

The Three Key Functions of Naturopathy

Naturopathy includes all the three qualities of Shodhak, Shamak and Purak .

  • Shodhak (शोधक) – In Shodhak, the foreign matter present in the body which is the cause of the disease is removed and the body of the patient becomes pure. 
  • Shamak (शामक)- In Shamak, the patient is immediately relieved by simple remedies.
  • Purak (पूरक)- In Purak, the body of the patient gets the necessary nutrients. Similarly, Naturopathy is simple, easy and natural.

Why Choose Naturopathy? 

A person who takes shelter of it once becomes a true devotee and follower. 

Naturopathy is for our poor people, it is an easy treatment, is less expensive and is effective. If it is used with understanding and patience, then it is sure to yield results. 

There is no fear of any harm or loss. Any disease can be treated by simple natural experiments. This treatment method is considered to be a simple treatment method for men and women, poor and old, young and old.

“This is the true Art Of Living.” 

Poet Shri Shantideva beautifully wrote 

“जीवन तो जीना ही होगा,

जीना भी एक कला है,

चाहो तो सीखो और जी लो,

वरना ये सर की बला है।”

By adopting the principles of What is Naturopathy, one can live a complaint free and fulfilling life. 

How Does Naturopathy Work? 

With the art of living, man can live his life in a healthy and disease-free manner.

Generally, Nature removes the disorders, toxic elements and foreign elements from the human body through urine, stool, sweat and exhalation every day and destroys those unnecessary elements through the internal organs of the body. It keeps man healthy.

When we fall ill, we also take help of this method of nature and become disease-free. 

Just as nature throws out the waste and toxic elements produced in the body every moment and keeps the body healthy by destroying them inside the body. 

In the same way, a patient adopts this method to make his body disease-free. 

What is Naturopathy Recommended For?

Nature can only cure diseases, and it does. We only assist nature in this task. We only help nature in this task. This is the duty of naturopathy. That is, to facilitate nature in its task of curing diseases, to assist it is the important duty of an efficient naturopathy. 

Because, to increase the life force and resistance power of the body by making the protective and cleansing elements of the body healthy, is the real treatment of the disease. In this, nature needs a helper, a collaborator. On getting him, the work becomes good and satisfactory.

Naturopathy is a self-proven method of making a person compatible with the creative principles of nature on his physical, mental, moral and spiritual levels. It has the unique ability of promoting health, preventing diseases, getting rid of diseases and reestablishing a healthy body.

10 Basic Principles of Naturopathy

1. All diseases are one, their causes and their treatment are one.
2. Germs are not the cause of disease.
3. Acute disease is not an enemy but a friend.
4. Nature itself is medicine.
5. There is no need for special diagnosis of the disease.
6. Treatment is not of the disease but of the entire body of the patient.
7. Patients suffering from chronic diseases may take time to recover.
8. Suppressed diseases come to the fore through naturopathy.
9. Treatment of mind, body and soul is done simultaneously.
10. There is no question of giving stimulant medicines in naturopathy.


    It’s a time- tested natural mending system that aligns the human body with the creative principles of nature.

    Naturopathy helps you heal naturally..

    It is not just a treatment, it is a lifestyle. It teaches you to live a happy life without depending on pills or chemicals.

    With Naturopathy, we can keep our body away from diseases. We can also work on natural treatments in our diet and lifestyle.

    Naturopathy helps our body heal naturally. If you are looking for simple and effective treatments, then definitely try Naturopathy, it has a lot of benefits for you.

    Naturopathy works on your body. By following its principles, one can help conditions, promote overall well being and enjoy a healthier, happier life.

    In the next part, we will explore 10 Basic Principles of Naturopathy in detail. Stay tuned for the next post! 😊

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