Concept of Health


Man’s happiness, prosperity and activities depend on health. The concept of health is the capital of life. Health is not just the absence of disease and disability. Rather it is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.

In reality, health cannot be measured by numbers but it is something to be experienced. Only a person who is healthy himself can enjoy it. We will see the characteristics of a healthy person below.

Characteristics of a Healthy Person

Characteristics of a Healthy Person

  1. Appetite should be normal.
  2. Natural food should provide nourishment.
  3. All bodily functions should be normal.
  4. Think in a healthy manner.
  5. Skin should be soft, moist and light.
  6. Sleep should be deep and taken in sufficient quantity.
  7. After waking up in the morning, one should feel fresh, active, happy and light.

In the same way, the concept of health of the person and the society that follows the principle of natural life remains strong, capable, well balanced and functioning.

 The Connection Between Individual and Society’s Health

An individual is an important component of society. When an individual’s health is good, then naturally the society also remains healthy. An individual’s mental, physical and spiritual health has an impact on the society. If an individual is healthy, then the society is healthy.

Whenever society violates the fundamental principles of naturopathy and natural laws and behaves adversely and contrary, then disease is created. Health deteriorates. The definition of disease is- physical and mental suffering. Illness or pain of body and mind. If we think in detail then unnatural action of internal and external causes means inviting disease.

 How Diseases Develop in the Body

When the dirt, toxins, excreta, urine, sweat of our body cannot come out of the body naturally, they start accumulating in the body. This is where the foreign enemies settle down in the body. Then our health deteriorates. This is an unnatural condition in which disease manifests in the gross form due to external causes.

The internal reason is that the evils arising from subtle emotions, dirty attitudes, worry, fear, lust, anger, greed, violence, hatred, jealousy affect the mind. It causes mental illness. All the illnesses first arise in the mind. Then they appear on the body.

Due to the disease, its deep impact is seen in the society. Hearing that one person in the house has cholera, everyone gets cholera out of fear. Communicable diseases spread from individuals to society.

➤ Conclusion

Our happiness, success and daily life depend on one thing, which is health. It is often said that health is wealth and that is very true. But health is not just about not being sick. It is about feeling good physically, mentally and socially.

You cannot measure health like you measure weight or height.
Health is something that you can experience. Only a healthy person knows what health is.

But when we ignore the natural laws of health, diseases arise. Simply put, disease is physical and mental suffering. This happens when toxic substances accumulate in our body such as sweat, urine and other impurities because the waste is not excreted naturally.

But there is more to it than just physical health. Negative emotions such as fear, anger, jealousy and greed also harm our body. This first affects the mind, then diseases start to develop in the body.

When we understand health and follow the laws of nature, we remain strong, disease-free and happy. A healthy person creates a healthy society. So let’s, naturally, take care of our health!